Tampa General Hospital (TGH), named Tampa, Florida’s #1 hospital by U.S. News & World Reports, includes 1,041 licensed beds and a total net patient revenue of over $1.4B. Their patient accounting system is Epic.


  • TGH had two dedicated FTEs manually spot-checking vendor invoices, leaving many invoices and line items left unchecked.
  • 50-60 hours per month spent by team, meeting & managing vendors per month.
  • Two of TGH vendor partners merged, creating additional challenges in certifying their monthly invoices across different service-lines – Medicaid eligibility and denials.


  • Leveraged Healthfuse Invoice Certification Technology to scrub & certify 100% of vendor invoices, every line item, for inappropriate and duplicate fees.
  • Technology identified a fee variance, resulting in an average of $15,000 per month in vendor fees that were not in compliance with vendor contracts.
  • Root of issue identified to be accounts billed under the wrong rate and service (Medicaid eligibility vs. denials).
  • An automated historical invoice lookback via Healthfuse Invoice Certification Technology identified $930,000 in over-invoicing.
  • Issue confirmed and resolved with vendor and fees paid back to TGH over the next 2-months.